Presenting Companies IMMUNE Pharmaceuticals Inc. »
CellHealth Institute »
TeraDiscoveries, Inc. »
MentisCura »
ACCESS Health International »
Orexo »
Lundbeck A/S »
Elekta - Brazil »
Moksha8 »
Corline »
InDex Pharmaceuticals »
Innovationskontoret »
Kerecis »
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Neurotez »
Sensidose »
Spiber »
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IMMUNE Pharmaceuticals Inc. is a US Bio-pharmaceutical Company with R&D in Israel and focuses on the development of antibody therapeutics for cancer and inflammatory diseases. IMMUNE is publicly traded on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm and the OTCQX in New York. IMMUNE lead phase II clinical candidate is bertilimumab a fully human antibody targeting eotaxin-1 a pro-inflammatory protein involved in Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, Severe Asthma and Bullous Pemphigoid a rare auto-immune dermatological disease. Patients are selected for treatment based on eotaxin-1 levels, which could make bertilimumab one of the first personalized treatments for those diseases. IMMUNE is developing, in collaboration with the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, NanomAbs, which allow for targeted delivery of cancer drugs. Amiket is a phase III ready topical drug with fast track designation form the FDA for the treatment of chemotherapy induced neuropathic pain and is available for out-licensing.
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CellHealth Institute (CHI) is a biotechnology company focused on cellular health that integrates breakthrough products and services with holistic lifestyle education. CHI collaborates with top-tier research universities and publicly traded biotech companies to offer fully integrated personalized health programs paired with scientific biomarker evaluations, a proprietary cell health supplement line, healthycell TM and advanced treatment through stem cell therapies. The organization is headquartered in New Jersey with an international regenerative medicine destination in Costa Rica set to open in 2014. CHI services and products allow people to take control of their own health at the most basic level - their cells.
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TeraDiscoveries, Inc. designs new drugs and drug candidates and accelerates the process of drug discovery by substituting new innovative cloud computing techniques in place of certain older laboratory chemical methods. This reduces cost, decreases development time, and creates novel molecules with therapeutic value. We design drugs, out-license drugs and molecular libraries, and manage pre-competitive collaborations to drive these products to market more efficiently. TeraDiscoveries has a proprietary, accurate and efficient drug discovery platform based on ground-breaking life science computing methods that were originally developed in Duke University's chemistry department. The company's early funding came from Microsoft and it is located in Research Triangle Park NC. Designing new drugs that bind to a specified protein target requires finding the best molecule or peptide in a vast chemical space. TeraDiscoveries accelerates this process through our proprietary Inverse Design software and cloud computing. Our approach searches this space at unprecedented speed and at >90% accuracy compared to a 20% accuracy for competing methods, enabling selective drug design. Current targets include, but are not limited to Jak1, Jak2, Jak3, hdac8, Aurora A, Malaria, Parkinkon's Disease, and PGP. We also do repurposing of existing drugs based on accurate computer matching. TeraDiscoveries is in the process of preemptively designing small, highly focused inhibitor libraries of small molecules and peptides for every known human protein.
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MentisCura, based in Reykjavik, Iceland, is a privately held diagnostic company serving clinicians and pharmaceutical clients with state-of-the-art services and technology to improve and accelerate the differential diagnosis of CNS disorders. The company currently operates the world's first fully automated EEG-based biomarker service for clinicians through its own clinic and remotely via electronically transmitted EEG recordings.
MentisCura's service is based on a decade in the design, development and clinical validation of powerful algorithm-based biomarkers by its team of clinical specialists and neurophysiological experts. From a five minute EEG recording, MentisCura provides a fast and reliable assessment of the likelihood that a patient is suffering from dementia and the type, including Alzheimer's disease and Lewy Body Dementia. The company will launch a new product for diagnosing ADHD in October of 2013.
MentisCura is a partner and board member of the Stockholm Brain Institute a consortium joining leading Swedish universities; Karolinska Institutet, Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University. MentisCura collaborates with leading universities including Institute for Ageing and Health, University of Newcastle and the University Hospital of Iceland.
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ACCESS Health International is a not for profit foundation with the mission to improve access to high quality affordable health for people everywhere. It is think tank and consulting group that discovers and describes best practices in health care finance, health systems and medical processes. They share their knowledge through publications, conferences, innovation programs and workshops. They manage practitioner-to-practitioner training programs and serve as consultants to federal and state governments and to the private sector. ACCESS believes that through knowledge and close collaborations across sectors they can improve health systems in both emerging and advanced economies. ACCESS Health is a US foundation with offices in India, Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Morocco, Sweden and the United States. ACCESS is supported by grants from foundations, government aid organizations, individuals, and consulting services. ACCESS Health Sweden is focused on aging. They are studying the Swedish elderly care system in-depth in order to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the system. Furthermore, they actively support the development of new solutions to improve the life of older persons. They believe that to be able to care for current and future generations of elderly, we need to engage people of all ages in the community as well as find new solutions and re-structure the way we provide care for elderly and chronically ill.
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Orexo AB is an emerging specialty pharma company developing improved treatments using proprietary drug delivery technology. Orexo's expertise is within the area of reformulation technologies and especially sublingual formulations. The company has a portfolio of revenue generating EU and US approved products currently marketed under licence and Zubsolv® (buprenorphine and naloxone), approved July 3rd, 2013, to be launched in September for maintenance treatment of opioid dependence. in the US. Zubsolv® is a novel sublingual formulation of buprenorphine and naloxone using Orexo's extensive knowledge in sublingual technologies. Through application of its proprietary technologies Orexo has increased the bioavailability of the active ingredient, accelerated dissolve time, reduced tablet size and improved taste. In a comparative acceptability study 9 out of 10 participants choose Zubsolv® over the market leader Suboxone Film for a daily treatment. Zubsolv® has the potential to be the first new entrant into a growing USD 1.5 billion market, with more than five million patients suffering from opioid dependence and where a majority of patients are not adequately treated today. Market potential for Zubsolv® is at peak estimated at above USD 500 million in sales annually. Orexo AB, with its headquarters in Sweden, is listed on
NASDAQ-OMX. The largest shareholders are Novo A/S and HealthCap.
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Lundbeck is a global pharmaceutical company highly committed to improving the quality of life for people suffering from brain diseases. For this purpose, Lundbeck is engaged in the research, development, production, marketing and sale of pharmaceuticals across the world. The company's products are targeted at diseases such as depression and anxiety, psychotic diseases, epilepsy and Huntington's, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The company was founded by Hans Lundbeck as a trading company in 1915. Since then the company has evolved and grown dramatically. Lundbeck employs approximately 5800 people worldwide, 2.000 of whom are based in Denmark. We have employees in 57 countries, and our products are registered in more than 100 countries. Lundbeck is one of Denmark's most research-intensive enterprises. We employ more than 1,200 highly-trained specialists in our research and development units. Each year, Lundbeck ploughs back around 20% of its revenue into research and development of new pharma-ceuticals to improve treatment options for the millions of people around the world suffering from brain diseases. Lundbeck markets a number of different pharmaceuticals for the treatment of brain diseases. The most recently launched compounds include: Cipralex/Lexapro® (depression), Ebixa® (Alzheimer's disease), Azilect® (Parkinson's disease), Xenazine® (chorea associated with Huntington's disease), Sabril® (epilepsy), Sycrest® (bipolar disorder), Onfi® (Lennox-Gastaut syndrome), Abilify MaintenaTM (schizophrenia) and Selincro® (alcohol dependence).
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Elekta Brazil is a Latin America subsidiary of the Swedish Elekta AB. Elekta Brazil was founded in June 2008 in the city of Sao Paulo The company is composed by 86 employees which support the structures of Sales, Logistics, Installation, Education and Training, Service and Financing for all Elekta product lines in South and Central America.
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Moksha8 was founded in 2007 with the goal of becoming the leading pharmaceutical company in Latin America through the commercialization of high quality therapeutics. The company was founded by Simba Gill and Texas Pacific Group (TPG), one of the largest private equity firms in the world with $50 billion under management. They have established full commercial operations in Brazil and Mexico and intend to expand into other high growth markets in Latin America. Moksha8 want to be the leading pharmaceutical company in Latin America and beyond with sustained high level growth. With expertise in corporate development, marketing, sales and operations allows for establishing strong partnerships with the world's leading pharmaceuticals companies. Quality and speed of execution is integral to the value provided to patients, healthcare providers and partners.
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Corline is a technology provider and integrates coating technology in partners' clinically approved products. Corline license out the right to use technology in specific fields and maintains production rights to reagents and acts as sole supplier to customers. Corline develops products together with partners, but maintains all coating development and mfct in-house. Corline offers a heparin coating technology CHSTM that significantly attenuates the inflammatory response and adds pro-healing functions, which results in an improved implant. CHSTM is one of two best-in-class heparin coating products on the market (other owned by Gore Medical) and is unique in that it can be used on all surfaces including living cells (not the case for Gore). Key selling points: clinical efficacy, easy to integrate, non-leaching, can be used to protect cells, pro-healing by promoting re-modelling of soft tissue repair devices.
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InDex Pharmaceuticals is a immunology focused biopharmaceutical company. The most advanced product is Kappaproct which is currently in phase III- trial for treatment of severe refractory Ulcerative Colitis. Kappaproct was developed internally as a part of the companies patented platform which has also generated a portfolio of preclinical resources within immunology. The company also develops a Companion Diagnostic (CDx) to Kappaproct along with other diagnostical tools focused on irritable bowl syndrome (IBD) such as DiBiCol, diagnostic test that can discriminate between Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
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The Innovation Office is a unit of the Swedish Medical Products Agency (MPA). We provide guidance regarding a broad spectrum of regulatory topics and how to navigate the regulatory resources available from the MPA. This includes the regulations governing clinical trials, medical devices and the approval of new drugs as well as how to access advice from our experts.
The MPA commands unique knowledge and expertise of the regulatory framework for the development of new drugs and medical products. Through greater visibility of the Innovation Office, they aim to increase awareness of the MPA's advisory resources, especially among small and medium-sized businesses and academic researchers.
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Kerecis is a medical device company focused on the treatment of tissue damage with Omega3-based regenerative technologies. Specifically, Kerecis is developing and producing a novel, patent-pending, tissue-regeneration material derived from fish skin to accelerate the healing of wounds and tissue reconstruction. The Kerecis material addresses the large, unmet need of the double-digit-growth biologics segment of markets such as; chronic-wounds, hernia repair, breast reconstruction and dura repair.
Products based on the Kerecis MariGen Omega3 technology are intact, decellularized fish skin sheets that have had all cells and antigenic materials removed. When the Kerecis reconstructive tissue matrix is applied to damaged tissue, it acts as a scaffold, recruiting the body's own cells. The matrix is revascularized, repopulated by the host's cells, and ultimately converted into living tissue.
Kerecis most advanced MariGen Omega3 product, is MariGen Wound, which is indicated for the management of chronic wounds, including diabetic, vascular and other hard-to-heal wounds. The product is CE marked and an FDA product approval is pending. Limited sales have already commenced in Iceland, UK and the Middle East. Patents are pending for the MariGen Omega3 technology in several countries around the world.
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Medicon Village in Lund, Sweden, is an international life science hub for collaboration and innovation. Medicon Village is designed to foster unique and innovative collaborations among academy, innovation and the broad and diverse commercial life science industry and to speed the translation of promising new life science discoveries "from idea to market".
Medicon Village offers a unique environment for life science organizations by integrating research, innovation and enterprise and thereby creating value for people´s health and well-being. Approximately 80 organizations are located at Medicon Village, and more than 800 employees work at the site.
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Neurotez, Inc. is a private corporation whose primary goal is to develop a Leptin product as a novel hormone replacement therapy for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and/or as a preventative for those who are at risk.
Leptin, a naturally occurring human hormone associated with various metabolic effects, has a large number of receptors in memory centers of the brain. This protein is often present at decreased levels in patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease, and cognitive deterioration in AD patients correlates strongly with a decline in circulating Leptin levels. The administration of Leptin inhibits both the production of amyloid beta (Aβ) and also the phosphorylation of tau protein in a variety of in vitro and in vivo systems. Since Aβ and phospho-tau are widely viewed as two of the key factors in Alzheimer's disease etiology, Leptin represents a highly attractive, multi-functional therapeutic approach. Perhaps most tellingly, Neurotez has demonstrated that the administration of Leptin significantly improves cognition across a variety of measures in transgenic mouse models of AD. Thus, a wide spectrum of preclinical findings strongly supports the likelihood that Leptin augmentation will effectively slow or stop the progression of AD and may even preclude or delay the onset of cognitive decline in
pre-impairment individuals.
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Sensidose AB, a privately held Swedish drug delivery company, is developing a novel microtablet dosage form, using well known, out of patent, active ingredients. The Sensidose delivery concept is based upon being able to provide an individualized patient dosing. Hence "any" dose can be given at a number of predetermined times and thereby an individualized dosing schedule can be achieved. The concept is based on the use of microtablets, each containing an exact and subtherapeutic amount of the active substance. The microtablets are given by the help of a dosing device that is counting out individual numbers of microtablets. The dosing device simplifies and enables patient compliance and gives the patient a better drug profile in the blood, better usage of the drug, resulting in a better efficacy and less side effects. The first product to use this concept is Flexilev® for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Product launch is planned for November 2013.
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Spiber is a start-up biotechnology company. They see themselves as leaders in recombinant spider silk development and production. The company was founded in 2008. Its technologies are based on successful research on spider silk conducted at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Their primary goal is to develop and commercialize two state-of-the-art patented technologies: Spiber™ (Recombinant spider silk protein) and SolvNT (Solubility enhancement solution).
Their activities are focused on three main areas; Scale-up biomaterial production to industrial levels, develop their products to support the scientific and production needs of customers in their focus areas and license applications outside of their focus areas. Spiber is located in Uppsala, a university city and focal point of Sweden's number one life-science region. Their offices and laboratories are situated at the Biomedical Center (BMC) of Uppsala University. The company is privately owned.
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