SALSS 2009 - Best Ever
August 19-21, 2009 in Stockholm, Sweden.
This was the most exciting SALSS of all. Of course, I am biased but here was a summit with all the right attendees, all the right discussions, an exciting roster of presenting companies and a provocative look into the future. And if we needed any verification on how timely and relevant we were all you needed to look at was two articles in the Science section the New York Times of the following Tuesday.
Click here to read the Concluding Remarks»
Impressions from SALSS 2009
This was the best SALSS ever!!! You did a great job. The last
morning was spectacular. Very innovative thinkers. You should feel just
Your BBBs were also stars.
Diane Degette is simply wonderful. You outdid yourself.
It is a pleasure working with you.
William Haseltine,
Founder, Human Genome Sciences
Dear Barbro: I just wanted to thank you for a terrific time in
Sweden. I'm very glad I attended. It is a remarkable and valuable
organization you have established. The talented pool of Barbro's Best
and Brightest is truly impressive. Please convey my appreciation to
Claudia, Brita, Astrid and the others. Very talented indeed.
John-Michael Lind,
Founder & CEO, Strategic Partners Group of Companies
This year's SALSS brought a broader list of outstanding speakers
while maintaining the uniquely small format and Barbro's magic touch.
In these times of change and uncertainty it enabled some truly
interesting strategic discussions. Can't wait until the next meeting!
Stefan Larsson,
Partner and Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group
You are a force of nature, an inspiration, and a true leader with
energy that can fill a room. I will tell many stories of SALSS and your
amazing crew of women.
Andrew Hessel,
Founding Director, Pink Army Cooperative
Dear Barbro,
Once again the meeting was a huge success and the details were amazing.
You are terrific. If I can help on the next one I would be delighted.
William Gedale,
Senior Advisor, NGN Capital
Jag vill tacka för en strålande organisation och program (femman var
bäst hittills).
Professor Mathias Uhlén,
Initiator of The Swedish Human Protein Atlas
I have now returned to the U.S. from Scandinavia. I was
honored to be among your many distinguished guests. Thank you so
much for including me in the conference. The conference was very
enlightening and I truly enjoyed the panels and the activities. A
warm thank you to your entire team and staff who worked diligently and
with such a high degree of professionalism. They were wonderful.
Julie Muraco,
Managing Partner, Praeditis Group LLC
Fantastiskt välordnat (som vanligt)! Stort tack för att jag fick vara
med igen. Vet inte om jag bara inbillar mig, men det kändes som om det
var bättre tryck i år än någonsin och den avslutande förmiddagen var
verkligen inspirerande!
Eugen Steiner,
Partner, HealthCap
It was once again a great pleasure to be part of this year’s SALSS.
As usual, you and your organizing team put together a tremendous
program, full of relevant and insightful topics and speakers. As
with last year’s summit, I came away from this event full of additional
knowledge and the realization that the connection between Sweden and
America is truly remarkable, both from an economic, innovation and
cultural perspective. The hard work you invest in the SALSS
strengthens the special bridge between the two countries, and I am so
pleased to be a part of it.
Matthew Meyer,
Vice President, Business Development and General Counsel Cerimon
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Dear Barbro,
You are clearly an amazing person whom I feel blessed to have now met.
Diana and I both wish to say how much we enjoyed all you prepared for
all. Your attention to detail, drive, passion, and wonderful
sensibilities were awe inspiring and ones I can track. I hope our paths
again cross.
Stephen Friend,
Founder & CEO, Sage Bionetworks
I want to thank you for a wonderful conference and all the special
help and caring you put into it.
I'm very happy that we attended and had the chance to meet new friends
and colleagues that can be helpful to each other in the years ahead.
The conference, the gifts, the boat ride, the palace, the
accommodations, and what we learned was all lovely. But most important,
the people.
Peter Frishauf,
Founder, Medscape
Stort tack för ett suveränt SALSS möte!! Jag förstår att det ligger
otroligt mycket slit och hårt arbete bakom, men det blev verkligen
lyckat. Liksom tidigare möten var det verkligt hög klass på
presentationer och deltagare, intressanta och inspirerande ämnen,
samtidigt ett mycket personligt ”summit” och med gott om tillfällen för
Lena Tibell,
President, Tibell & Associates Inc.
Mötet var - as usual - väldigt bra arrangerat men framförallt så var
det innehållsmässigt det bästa SALSS mötet ever. Ser fram emot
fortsättningen av SALSS!
Professor Jesper Tegnér,
CSO, Karolinska Institutet
Tack för en fantastiskt välordnad konferens. Tacka även dina duktiga
medarbetare som verkligen gjorde ett felfritt intryck.
David Bejker,
President and CEO, Affibody Holding AB
Jag vill uttrycka mitt varma tack för ett spännande och intressant
möte med festlig inramning.
Lars Thomander,
Medical Director, Medical Department, Abbott Scandinavia AB
SALSS was a great experience and very well put together by you and
you lovely staff.
Michaela Björkman,
Business Development Director, Burrill & Company
2009 best SALSS- hittills.
Hans Wigzell,
Chairman, Karolinska Development
"SALSS celebrates it's 5th anniversary"
article in Nordic Life Science Review »
"The worst of times - the best of times"
View article in Nordic Lifescience Review »
"Transforming the material world"
View artivle in What Matters, McKinsey&Company »
"Barack Obama as CEO of USA Inc"
View letter »
"The Swedish-American Life Science Summit"
article in Medtech Magazine (pdf, 232kb) »
"Stärkta affärsband med USA"
View article in
Biotech Sweden about SALSS (pdf, 1.02Mb) »
"Wallenberg: Krisen ger köplägen"
View article »