Thank you all for making SALSS 2011 the best SALSS to date!

Barbro Ehnbom

"Sex, money and health"* concluded our Summit - brilliantly presented by Professor Hans Rosling. His global scope perfectly set the stage for next year's special focus on emerging markets. The convergence of information, Internet, and wireless with healthcare technologies is also breaking borders and attracting new innovative players. SALSS 2012 has the ambition to once again be a platform of change and be 'global, but personal' just as the industry itself.

See you then! 

Sign BE:

Barbro C. Ehnbom
Swedish-American Life Science Summit

*Watch Professor Rosling's presentations and explore his Gapminder »

SALSS 2012 is most likely to be scheduled in September next year. In order to facilitate deeper, more meaningful and personal interactions, we deliberately keep the event small and as such would like you to secure your place at your earliest. Please contact Project Manager Charlotte Staf at

See photos from the 2011 Summit

Click here to see more pictures from Biotech Sweden

"Over the years, SALSS has shown incredible ability to bring together expertise from all corners of the world to discuss trends within life science, make deals and establish new valuable contacts. I am honored to welcome you to this year's conference."
View Stefan Persson's Welcome Letter »

"The Life Science sector is a key sector in most countries today, Sweden and the US certainly not an exception. It is a critical foundation for long-term growth and innovation in industry and society."
View Göran Hägglund's Welcoming Remarks»

"7th Annual Swedish-American Life Science Summit (SALSS) Draws Global Industry Attention to Stockholm From August 24th Through 26th 1"
View our Pressrelease »

"Stora utmaningar för branchen - Många åsikter om framtidens life science-industri på SALSS."
View article from Biotech Sweden »

"Swedish-American Life Science Summit 2011 - en industri i förändring"
View article from Stockholm Life »

"Hallå där Fred Hassan..."
View interview with Fred Hassan »

"Samtal med företagsledaren Fred Hassan"
View interview with Fred Hassan »

"Läkemedelsbranschen satsar på digitala lösningar"

View Ernst & Young Pressrelease »

"Fruktad sjukdom nära ta mitt liv"

View interview with Dr. Karin Hehenberger »

"Stockholm Stockholm Stad i Världen"

View article about SALSS in Finansliv »

Impressions from SALSS 2011

Bästa Charlotte, Barbro och ni andra på SALSS! Jag vill bara uttrycka min största beundran för det arbete ni lagt ner för att göra detta event till en så fantastisk framgång. På alla SwedenBIO´s medlemmars vägnar ber jag också om att få tacka för att ni på ett imponerande sätt för fram Life Science i Sverige, vi behöver mer av detta! Jag hoppas vi ses snart igen
Johan Järte,
CEO, SwedenBIO

Thank you for another exciting and interesting year at SALS. You and your team did an outstanding job each day. I am so proud of you.
Cynthia Ekberg Tsai,
Executive Vice President for Business Development, ExecutiveAction

Än en gång – du är verkligen en fantastisk person! Det sätt på vilket du sammanbringar intressanta människor för att diskutera allt det viktiga som life science strävar emot är oöverträffat. Jag är tacksam för att jag fick tillfälle att medverka.
Dr. Carl Johan Sundberg,
Head of Bioentrepreneurship, Karolinska Institutet

What an stellar SALLS meeting, my dear. Jonas, Charlotte, Claudia and the rest of the BBB crew were stellar, and it was great to see that you were so relaxed and could just let everything happen. You are an inspiration, Barbro, and amazing woman that has touched so many lives
Dr. Andrew Hessel,
Founder, Pink Army Cooperative

Ett stort och varmt tack för att vi, Cancerfonden, fick vara med under årets SALSS. Det var mycket lärorikt och spännande. Måste säga att du fått till ett imponerande startfält och hela arrangemanget är helproffsigt.
Ursula Tengelin,
Secretary General, Cancerfonden

I wanted to send you a thank you note for inviting me to SALSS this year. It was a wonderful conference, and with a very select number of speakers and participants. The organization was really perfect and it gave a great image of the life sciences arena in Sweden. I also made great business contacts. Thanks again for your warm hospitality
Dr. Elisabet de los Pinos,
CEO, Aura Biosciences

Ett hjärtligt stor tack för ett synnerligen välarrangerat, innehållsrikt och stimulerande seminarium. Intressanta och tankeväckande presentationer. Jag gjorde också flera nya bekantskaper, som jag hoppas att jag kan fortsätta och utveckla och förhoppningsvis också kan bli till hjälp för det bolag som jag grundat, Kancera AB.
Professor Håkan Mellstedt,
Karolinska Institutet

SALSS is fantastic, hope to get invited next year! Thank you and SALSS for an awesome event. Please convey my thanks to all the wonderful people - Barbro, Jonas, Charlottee, Svava, Linnea, Sofia, Frida. Tack!!!
Robert Chew,
Managing Partner, Stream Global

Stort tack för superproffsigt arrangemang och samarbete med SALSS! Det har varit ett nöje för alla inblandade från vår sida. Jag är nog inte ensam om att ha sagt detta men det här året blev SALSS bättre än någonsin tidigare. Särsiklt pga att båda dagarna höll superrelevant program med bra talare och attendees.
Ebba Kraemer,
Consultant, The Boston Consulting Group

Thank you for the excellent meeting in Stockholm! Thank you for the very professional organisation as well as the friendly athmosphere you created at SALSS!
Herve de Kergrohen,
CEO, GlenBrook Ventures

Tack för en jättetrevlig konferens. Jag tycker att det låter jätteintressant att gör något liknande fast med Israel.
Roberth Friedman,
Senior Trade Officer, Embassy of Israel

It’s an honor to be part of a distinguished panel and contributing to this timely topic. This discussion could not be more fitting relative to near and long-term market trends and the implications are many.
Abe Kasbo,
CEO, Verasoni

Tack För seminariet i fredags. Det var trevligt att vara med, visserligen ligger diskussionen och presentationen kring ögon långt över min kunskapsnivå, men jag fick många bra kontakter – precis som du sa. Ha det och tack än en gång
Peter Lindell,
Founder, ITP Invest

Thank you so much for your love and effort. Wow what an organization. I know how hard it is to set up a meeting once, much less keeping an organized program like yours going.
Dr. Florence Haseltine
Founder, Society for Women's Health Research

Jag vill också passa på att tacka för ett mkt bra SALLS möte. Grattis.
Professor Mathias Uhlen,
The Royal Institute of Technology

Thank you for the most topical, inspiring and global Swedish-American Life Science Summit to date. The program did not only feature the opportunities of the current development in life science but was also an excellent platform for forming new collaborations and friendships, vital to the whole industry. The SALSS organizing team truly excelled in bringing together the thought-leaders and health care luminaries, encouraging new ideas and brave steps in a rapidly changing world!
Claudia Olsson,
Managing Director, ACCESS Health Southeast Asia

Tack för ett mkt bra SALSS. Mycket energi sista dagen och lunchen. Lovar gott för nästa år.
Stefan Larsson,
Senior Partner and Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group

I should really congratulate you on the wonderful event the way it was organised professionally.
Mukhtar M. Shaikh,
Private Investor

Tack för en väl organiserad och givande SALSS konferens. Mycket bra!
Magnus Doverskog,

What a wonderful conference it was! Thank you for inviting me, and it was
such a pleasure to meet you. SALSS is an amazing platform and a catalyst
for ideas, investors, entrepreneurs and life sciences companies.
Abe Kasbo,
CEO, Verasoni Worldwide

Tack för ännu ett fantastiskt SALSS även om jag denna gång bara hade möjligheten att vara med första kvällen.
Lars Östling,
Senior Adviser, International Department, Ministry of Finance

Fantastiskt bra - senaste SALSS.
Magnus Gink,
Executive Director, Ernst & Young

Stort tack för senast – SALSS var så intressant och så lyckat! Jag träffade många mycket trevliga och intressanta personer, inte minst Håkan och Fred Hassan och Karin H. Vilka människor!
Susanna Francke Rodau,

What a treat it was to be your guest on Riddarfjärden! Jag hade väldigt trevligt vid mitt bord där det östes beröm över dig. Du skulle ha rodnat om du hört.
Ulf Hjertensson,

Stort tack för ett fantastiskt arrangemang av SALSS i förra veckan.
Kul att få vara del av detta möte, med högt i tak och intressanta diskussioner.
Kul att alla deltagarna också är så nöjda.
Ulrika Berglund,
CEO, MedTech Magazine

Tack igen, det var en fantastisk konferens och det finns valdigt manga next steps.....
Kul att alla deltagarna också är så nöjda.
Östen Johansson,

SALSS Send-Off Dinner 2011
SALSS Send-Off Dinner in New York on June 27 was a huge success! It turned out to be both fruitful for our coming summit but also a warm and friendly evening together. Our sincere thanks to the amazing hosts of the evening, Ide and David Dangoor, Swedish Consul General in New York.

Barbro Ehnbom

Barbro Ehnbom - Mentor och maktfaktor som banar väg för gräddan av unga och ambitiösa svenska tjejer.

Click here to view the article in SvD »

SALSS members meet HRH Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex at the Pierre Hotel in NYC for a fund-raiser for the Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Barbro Ehnbom

Julie Muraco, HRH Prince Edward, Barbro C. Ehnbom and Christophe Landon

Click here to read more about the Duke of Edinburgh's Award

SALSS 2009 Key Note Speaker speaks up on stem-cell legislation
U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette on Wednesday unveiled her latest legislative effort to support embryonic-stem-cell research. The bill would codify the National Institutes of Health's guidelines for carrying out all stem-cell research and require the NIH to review its guidelines every three years and make updates as science warrants.DeGette got legislation passed in the House and Senate in 2006 and 2007 that was similar to the Research Advancement Act of 2011. Both bills were vetoed by President George W. Bush. Her legislation served as the framework for President Barack Obama's 2009 executive order that overturned the Bush administration's ban on funding for stem-cell research.The 2011 act has been presented to Congress, and DeGette is "cautiously optimistic" that Congress can pass the legislation for a third time and get it to Obama's desk for approval.

Read the article in the Denver Post

SALSS Project Manager 2009 writes in New Life Science Blog

Claudia Olsson, Managing Director at ACCESS Health International South East Asia, writes about Life Science in Asia and Stockholm for the recently established knowledge cluster Stockholm Life Solna-Stockholm. The initiative brings together academic institutions, life science companies, healthcare providers, authorities within the medical sphere as well internationally-relevant research projects with the intention to transform the region to a world-leading life science arena.

Click here to read blog »

SALSS own Dr. Kraft on TED

At TEDxMaastricht, Daniel Kraft offers a fast-paced look at the next few years of innovations in medicine, powered by new tools, tests and apps that bring diagnostic information right to the patient's bedside.

Click here to watch the video »

Karolinska Development raises EUR 67.8m in Stockholm IPO

We extend our warmest congratulations to Torbjorn Bjerke, CEO of Karolinska Development AB and a dear SALSS Family member, for the successful IPO of Karolinska Development AB on the exchange in Stockholm April 15th collecting SEK 608 million (USD 98m/EUR 67.8m). As the IPO was oversubscribed, the number of offered B-series shares was increased by 3.8 million to 15.2 million, which corresponds to 31% of the capital and 24% of the votes in the company. The subscription price was set at SEK 40 apiece, giving Karolinska Development a market value of some SEK 1.941 billion. The capital injection will allow Karolinska Development to optimally develop its most prioritised projects to the phase when they can be sold or licensed, Torbjorn Bjerke commented.

Learn more about Karolinska Development AB »

FutureMed - Understanding and Leveraging Exponential Technologies for Healthcare and Medicine

Our dear friend and much appreciated SALSS speaker Dr. Daniel Kraft, Executive Director of FutureMed at Singularity University, will be directing the FutureMed Executive Program at NASA Ames Research Park in Silicon Valley May 10-15 2011. FutureMed is the first program of its kind; a multidisciplinary, immersive and hands-on experience with world class faculty from across the spectrum of healthcare and technology, designed for those looking to understand the trajectories and opportunities emerging for the future of health and medicine. We are happy to announce that all SALSS family members will be given a generous discount upon initial registration for FutureMed completed upon April 15.

Learn more about FutureMed »

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