was held in Stockholm in September 29 – October 1,
in Stockholm, Sweden

Nobel Laurate Dr. Gerald M Edelman, Mr. John
Costantino, Ms Barbro C. Ehnbom and
Dr. Karin Hehenberger
I would like to extend a warm thank you to all our participants in
making SALSS 2010 the best Summit to date. I hope to see you all again
next year, when we move back toward our summer format. Please save the
date August 24-26 for SALSS 2011!
All the best,
Latest SALSS News

SALSS pictures from Biotech Sweden �
Pictures from Dr. Daniel Kraft �
SALSS Send-Off Dinner 2010
SALSS Send-off dinner 2010 at the residence of new Swedish Consul
General in New York David Dangoor in June 30 was a huge success!
Impressions from SALSS 2010
The Swedish American Life Science Summit is a unique and provocative
forum that is life-like in its organization, pulling together people,
science and ideas. Nobel Laureate Professor Gerald Edelman keynoted
this year’s Summit with his presentation CONSCIOUSNESS – How Matter
Becomes Imagination. His lecture set the stage for the Summit by
providing the scientific and neural basis of brain origins of
imagination, and that those brain origins required for science, do not
differ for humanities, and ethical systems. Given the program
presentations that included exponential trends in life science,
converging technologies and biotech financing, a welcome and delightful
“maestoso” was found in presentations of music cognition and
neuroscience. The “maestoso” afforded the participants the opportunity
to begin to understand the intersection of man’s scientific and
humanistic imagination that will allow the scientific frontier to fully
Charles Ferris,
Strategic Science LLC
Thank you for a great meeting. Yet again you have inspired us and
brought together leaders with different perspectives on important
challenges and opportunities in our favorite industry. I came away with
many ideas and some new contacts to explore further in the business I
Stefan Larsson,
the Boston Consulting Group
It was a terrific SALSS event this year. It's remarkable that you
are able to bring together such amazing people to share their stories
and ideas. To building more bridges!
Andrew Hessel,
Singularity University
SALSS 2010 was very well run and truly informative. For me it was an
opportunity to meet very impressive individuals and companies from the
Swedish life science sectors that until now I have not been exposed to.
I was indeed very impressed with the high level that the science has
achieved in Sweden.
David Fuchs,
Bridges and Pipes
It was an extraordinary group of people, companies, and
presentations. The intellectual capital in the room is overwhelming. I
have been inspired by the amount of research being done in neuroscience
and the arts combined. I do hope that many companies' and scientists
receive the funding and resources to continue their good works. I don't
know how you do it! You are a force!
Julie Muraco,
Praeditis Group LLC
Stort tack f�r att Du bj�d in mig till SALSS-m�tet som var mycket
bra och dessutom trevligt. Jag fick l�ra k�nna m�nga intressanta
m�nniskor och dessutom var programmet v�l utformat. Det �r s�llan som
man kan ge en konferens eller dess organisat�r s� fina betyg.
Uli Hacksell,
Acadia Pharmaceuticals
I would also like to thank you for a wonderful event that was so
very well organized. I was truly amazed at your ability to combine
science with industry. Thanks once again for the invitation.
Barbara Canlon,
Karolinska Institutet
"Lyckat samarbete"
View article from Biotech Sweden �
"Steget f�re i en exponentiell v�rld"
article from MedTech Magazine (pdf, 0,5Mb) �
"Inside Wall Street: Biotechs vs. Big Pharma in a Swedish
View article from Daily Finance �
"The Swedish-American Life Science Summit"
View article
from Nordic Life Science Review (pdf, 0,7Mb) �
"Svenska bioteknikf�retag m�ter amerikanska toppinvesterare"
View article from Ernst & Young �
William Haseltine is a scientist, biotech entrepreneur and frequent
SALSS speaker. He did research in cancer and HIV/AIDS while being a
professor at Harvard and founder of several companies.
Read his blog here �