SALSS 2017
was a True Moonshot reaching far Beyond!
Dear SALSS Family, The SALSS Team and I are so happy after this year's wonderful experience and interactions! Three days of intense activities with world class speakers, impressive companies and exciting startup entrepreneurs show that we still got it! In 2016, we made a promise to strengthen our future. Today, we proudly and confidently conclude that SALSS and the SALSS Family are back in business! We exceeded ourselves, and for the 13th year, we celebrate the success of making the Best SALSS Ever! Obviously, we have raised the bar when it comes to this fantastic roster of rock star speakers, super nova companies and rising star startups. Not only do we have amazingly competent speakers, but also hilarious stand up comedians. This year also featured several novelties, such as The SALSS Rising Star Award, The HealthTech Showroom and The SALSS Investor Forum. I am also genuinely proud to be privileged to showcase so many accomplished, acknowledged, superb female speakers - who just happened to be fun and gorgeous as well!
The SALSS Team 2017 humbly thanks each and every one of our knowledgeable audience, who contributed to bringing SALSS 2017 to the Moon and Beyond!
We already have received exciting input from many of you, and we look forward to continuing receiving your ideas on this thrilling journey!
Barbro C. Ehnbom
Founder & Chairman
To the Moon and Beyond at SALSS 2017
This year's edition of SALSS took place August 23-25, in Stockholm For three intense days in a beautiful summer Stockholm, we gatehered the foremost scientists, corporate leaders and investors of the Global Life Science Industry. The focus was on: Cancer Moonshot HealthTech Transformation Impact Investing
Click to see photos from 2017 year's Summit
Impressions from SALSS 2017
“Dear Barbro, Please first let me thank you for the amazing opportunity, not only to be amongst the best and brightest but also for the opportunity to meet you. What you are doing for life science, women and the industry is to be commanded and is an example for all of us.” (Dr. Bahija Jallal, Head, MeImmune | Executive Vice President, AstraZeneca)
"Hi Ylva, Barbro - It was such a great pleasure to meet you. Thanks very much for your hospitality. I truly enjoyed my time at SALSS and made great connections. Barbro - You are a super amazing woman and role model!“ (Dr. Canan Dagdeviren, Assistant Professor, MIT Media Lab)
“Many thanks for an again fantastic conference. I truly enjoyed both the conference program but of course even more so the boat trip. You are unique in managing to combine a highly professional program with a very entertaining and enjoyable social program.” (Håkan Björklund | Industry Executive, Gyllebo AB)
”Bästa Barbro och bästa Ylva, Det var helt fantastiskt att ta del av SALSS idag. Vilken superintressant mix av människor och föredrag. Jag gillade särskilt Ola Rosling samt Canan Dagdeviren! Hoppas middagen ikväll blir lika trevlig som den i går. Stort tack för att jag fick delta!” (Dr. Maria Strömme, Professor, Nanotechnology, Uppsala University)
“Having reviewed your program with so many significant attendees from academia, industry, and the investment community, this is clearly one of the most exclusive and impactful life-science conferences around the globe. Thus, I am very honored being considered as one of the “Rising Stars” and have already booked a flight to Stockholm.” (Dr. Chrisan Apfel, Founder & CEO, SageMedic Inc.)
“.../I wish to thank you and your fine SALSS team for your splendid hospitality and an enriching, inspiring summit. It's been a privilege and a pleasure to be amongst each and every one of you.” (Mr. Chuck Dimmler, Vice Chairman, Torreya Partners | CEO, Ceramedix)
”Tack för en väldig trevlig SALSS dag! Intressant fokus och spännande föredragshållare.” (Dr. Carl Borrebaeck, Director CREATE Health Cancer Center)
”Tack för ett väldigt trevligt och stimulerande SALSS-möte! Kul att Forbes Magazine var intresserade och skrev om oss, verkligen en fjäder i hatten för organisatörerna och deltagarna.” (Göran K. Hansson, Professor, Secretary General. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences/KVA)
“Ylva/Barbro, You and your team were amazing. An incredibly well-run and impressive event.” (Mr. Rod Schwartz, Founder & CEO, ClearlySo)
“I would like to congratulate you on the level of excellence that was evident in every aspect of SALSS. There no question that it is perhaps the best, if not one of the best run event of its kind in the world. It is unique and focused on the realistic needs of the participant. Not incidentally, it is boredom free and besides being at the top level of scientific communication, is entertaining. Much of this is due to the incredible energy that you impart to the event, which is contagious. As a result, strangers interact and the level of comradery is unsurpassed. Everyone is approachable, which goes a long way to help achieve the results each participant is desirous of. Not to mention class, which you personify, SALSS is a classy event. I have to congratulate you on your hand picked staff who conveyed your message flawlessly. Your attention to detail is incredible, and your personal attention to all who attended is not short of amazing. We have been busy following through on the contacts made at SALSS, and consider our participation a definite success. Thanks for all your efforts on our behalf, you made our participation in SALSS and the few days in Stockholm seem almost a holiday. Thanks again to you and your crew.” (Alen Sands York, Co-Founder,Senior Advisor, AVRA Medical Robotics Inc.)
“Stort tack för ett fantastiskt event med ett helt enastående program och ett perfekt genomförande. Massa inspiration, insights och ovärderliga nya kontakter. Vi bockar och tackar igen för stora äran att få vinna ”the first ever SALSS Rising Star Award”. Vi kommer att förvalta och växla upp på detta pris med super-powers och honors. Ser fram emot SALSS 2018 och fortsatt framtida samarbete! Varma hälsningar från hela Coala-teamet” (Mr. Philip Siberg, CEO, Coala Life)
"Being a first time participant at the SALSS I was truly impressed by the organization of the event and the rapid and concise pace throughout the days. All speakers brought new and innovative perspectives creating insights that added great participant value. The opportunities for networking in a genuine and familiar setting are truly unique and the SALSS platform will have a key role setting the future of the Swedish life science industry." (Fredrik Hansson, Board Member, Anocca)
“Ylva/Barbro, First of all, thank you SO MUCH for the wonderful conference in Stockholm. What an absolute treat, from start to finish! The caliber of the speakers, the inspiration from women, the connections I made were invaluable and I’m so very grateful.” (Kathryn Goetzke, Founder & CEO, iFred |The Mood Factory)
Sällan har jag lyssnat på så många inspirerande big shots under en och samma vecka. Och extra roligt att få träffa så många riktigt skickliga kvinnor (dig inkluderat). Det känns förhoppningsfullt för framtiden från en som är så van vid den väldigt mansdominerade kemiindustrin. (Ms. Karolina Storckenfeldt, Projektledare, Bonnier Business Media)
”We are thrilled that I’ll be able to attend your very well organized, high profile meeting. The thoughtfulness that you are putting into this meeting speaks for itself and is apparently an integral part for making this a huge success for everybody./…/thank you again for your strong work and attention to detail.” (Dr. Christan Apfel, Founder & CEO, SageMedic Inc.)
“Thank you again for hosting such a wonderful gathering at SALSS! It was great to meet other biotech entrepreneurs in the field and hear about their exciting work. What a wonderful piece [article in Forbes Invest, as of September 9] highlighting the strengths of SALSS, as well the specific mentions of companies like ours." (Jonathan Clarke, CEO, Smartwise)
“Truly it was an honor for me personally to join your meeting and have the unique opportunity to share our work /.../ your support for how such devices can transform [this branch of the industy] was invaluable. After our attendance and the many wonderful points of feedback we received, there has been an energized concerted effort to bring this project to fruition. In just two days, we were able to get a rapid 360 evaluation of our vision, something that would have taken much longer under normal circumstances. Really what you have developed with SALSS is special/.../ It will remain in my heart as one of the best experiences in my 20 years of attending various congresses and meetings.” (Dr. Farhan Taghizadeh, AVRA Medical Robotics)
”Stort lycka till med detta intressanta och fina event. Jag är helt imponerad av allt vad ni gör och på vilket sätt. Det är strålande!” (Ms. Karolina Storckenfeldt, Projektledare, Bonnier Business Media)
“Dear Barbro and SALSS Team, Congratulations on a spectacular event. Every element of the Summit was top notch and in the spirit that you have created over the years of being a unique venue to share and learn about the most pressing topics in healthcare, and serving as a vehicle for establishing strong and lasting bonds among the participants. I am proud to have been, and continue to be a part of, the SALSS Family, and know that my feelings are shared by those who had the good fortune to attend this year's Summit. I know that the future for all the hard work that has been done over the years continues in the most positive direction with great energy and vision, as always.” (Richard Serbin, COO, The Gorlin Companies)
SALSS is proud to be a global player in the Life Science Universe
The 13th Swedish-American Life Science Summit, taking place in Stockholm, Sweden, August 23-25, will focus on Cancer Moonshot, HealthTech Transformation and Impact Investing
SALSS and The SALSS Family in the Media
Sveriges förmodligen mest relevanta forum för aktörer med internationell spännvidd inom Life Science, The Swedish-American Life Science Summit (SALSS), bjöd exklusivt in till 2017-årsårets upplaga av den högprofilerade konferensen, under tre intensiva dagar i Stockholm, 23-25 augusti.Read the full article in Swedish "Moonshot and Beyond - när The Swedish-American Life Science Summit sätter målet", Pharma Industry No4, November, 2017 Hotel Kung Carl på Stureplan var fullt av prominenta gäster denna eftermiddag då Barbro Ehnbom, grundare och ordförande för SALSS, bjöd in till mingel och konferens. SALSS mål är att få ihop business och forskning för att på bästa sätt jobba för hälsa och välmående, även över landsgränserna. Temat för årets konferens var "Cancer Moonshot and Beyond", där Beyond bl a handlar om det nya färhållningssättet som life science-världen har till cancer, då den numera behandlas mer som en kronisk sjukdom i stället för att fokus enbart ligger på att bota den.
See the full picture reportage (Swedish) "Mingel för cancerforskning och hälsan", Svensk Dam No47, November 16-22, 2017 SALSS is proud to announce the most recent in a range of successes of its Rising Star Award Winner 2017 - Coala Life AB!
The Swedish medical technology company and the life science company Bayer AB initiate partnership in the field of cardiac care. The partnership aims to find the many patients with undiagnosed heart disease, treat and help avoid myocardial infarction and stroke. By introducing new digital cardiac monitoring in the care chain, patients with undiscovered cardiovascular disease can be treated early.
Read the full press release "Swedish startup company and global life science company Bayer initiate partnership", October 26, 2017 CELLINK enters a collaborative research agreement with Professor Robert S. Langer’s lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The lab is recognized as the largest biomedical engineering lab in the world with over 100 researchers. The collaboration is initially a one-year collaboration involving several different research projects.
Read the full article "CELLINK signs collaboration agreement with MIT", Press release, September 27, 2017 Cancer Moonshot was one of the main issues at this year’s SALSS and the possibilities of immunotherapy alongside with more collaborations and sharing of data were highlighted as key factors to continue the ght against cancer.
Read the full article on "The challenges of cancer at SALSS", in Nordic Life Science - the leading Nordic life science news service, August, 2017 Respected and acclaimed as rock stars in the arcane universe of life sciences, global scientists converged in Stockholm in late August this year for the annual Swedish American Life Science Summit (SALSS) meeting, where they unveiled and dissected revolutionary health care platforms.
Read the full article "Swedish American Group Focuses On Cancer, Autoimmune Diseases At Life Science Summit", published in Forbes, September 9, 2017 Nu samlas experter inom life science för att stimulera sektorn i Sverige och bana väg för nya investeringar när investerarmötet SALSS slår upp portarna
Read the full article in Swedish "Globala toppnamn till Stockholm", published in Life Science Sweden, August 22, 2017 I dagarna har en lång rad storheter inom life science och näringsliv träffats i Stockholm för att knyta kontakter och inspirera varandra. Life Science Sweden var självklart på plats när SALSS gick av stapeln
Read the full article in Swedish "Inspiration på hög nivå", published in Life Science Sweden, August 25, 2017 The popular event Swedish American Life Science Summit is back this year, and focus areas are Cancer Moonshot, HealthTech Transformation and Impact Investing
The view of SALSS by the leading Nordic life science news service, 2017 Bahija Jallal’s curiosity and passion for science have been strong driving forces throughout her entire career, as has her belief in the need for diversity to truly bring forth innovation. A view that is also deeply incorporated in her job as Head of MedImmune
Strongly recommended - read the full article "Embracing diversity - for the sake of true innovation", published in Nordic Life Science News, August 25, 2017 You probably haven't heard of the medical “patient entrepreneurs,” an innovative group initiated and organized by New York-based Lyfebulb, which featured them at the Swedish American Life Science Summit conference in Stockholm in August. The "patient entrepreneur" project helps people afflicted with chronic diseases to become more productive and financially independent by pursuing their specific skills
Read about "How Patients With Chronic Disease Become Patient Entrepreneurs", by Forbes, September 2017 Dr. Canan Dagdeviren, a SALSS Special Guest Speaker, blogs about her memorable meeting with an other SALSS Keynote Speaker - a true role model and change maker, Dr. Bahija Jallal. Both are striking Rock Stars, with admirable determination, energy radiation and an open mindset
An Instagram snapshot, August 24, 2017 Dr. Canan says good bye, after three days at SALSS in Stockholm, enriched by new impressions and now part of the exclusiv, yet so inclusive, SALSS Family
An Instagram snapshot, August 26, 2017 SALSS Senior Advisor Mathias Uhlén and 2017 year's welcome speaker Anders Lönnberg are awarded the annual prize 2017 by "Forska Sverige"
The Annual Life Science Award 2017 by "Forska Sverige", Life Science Sweden, September, 2017 Mathias Uhlén Swedish public service television, August 17, 2017
Unik svensk kartläggning banar väg för bättre cancerbehandling Barbro Ehnbom and Leif Pagrotsky in Dages Industri Life Science Appendix, June 22, 2017, pp. 8-9
Swedish-American Interactions and HealthTech Transformation - What happend to the Industry when new Players enters the arena?
Coala Life - Winner of the Rising Star Award 2017
At the Swedish-American Life Science Summit 2017 (SALSS) in Stockholm, Coala Life was honored as the winner of the Rising Star Award 2017. The award recognizes a Swedish Life Science company that has the capacity to revolutionize and inuence a global market.Read about when Coala Life wins the Rising Star Award 2017 Last spring Coala Life entered the top 33 list. Now, being the winner of the Rising Star Award 2017, the company is considered one of the most promising medical technology companies worldwide.
Read the full article "Svensk hjärtmonitor hyllas av MIT-professor", in the Swedish Tech Magazine "Ny Teknik", August 29, 2017 I våras klev Coala Life in på 33-listan. Nu blir Coala Life det första företaget att få det nya priset Rising Star Award 2017. Utmärkelsen delas ut på konferensen Swedish-American Life Science Summit (SALSS), som samlar forskare, entreprenörer och investare inom området livsvetenskap. I och med priset Rising Star Award 2017 pekas företaget nu ut som ett av världens mest lovande medicinteknikbolag
Read the article in Swedish, "Svensk hjärtmonitor hyllas av MIT-professor", by Ny Teknik, August 29, 2017
Barbro Ehnbom is a summer host in the Swedish Radio show Sommar i P1
Please click on the link to see the nice scholarship she has received
Beyond the Moon at 600 Park Avenue...
On 24th October 2016, our Chairman, Barbro C. Ehnbom, and the Swedish Consul General, Leif Pagrotsky, gathered a select few of SALSS Best Friends at the beautiful residence, to discuss the future of SALSS in the reshaping of the Life Science universe. To truly light up the star-spangled sky that night, the lucky guests had the delight to listen to one of the brightest shining stars of them all, Dr. Robert Langer, talking about how technology is reinventing our industry.
Click to see photos from the magic evening
Memorable impressions from an unforgettable eve
"Tack för en väldigt god middag och trevlig kväll med glada skratt och vetenskapliga diskussioner på 600 park avenue.
En oförglömlig kväll för mig då jag fick samtala med en av mina förebilder, Prof. Robert Langer.
Ett stort tack till Barbro som alltid lyckas samla en mix av intressanta personer "and make magic happen". Utan ert värdskap och den elegans 600 park avenue utstrålar hade det dock inte varit komplett."
(Dr. Mohammed Homman, Founder & CEO of Vironova )
Stay up to date on Cancer Moonshot
"Cancer Moonshot 2020"Learn how the Cancer MoonShot 2020 mission will help drive new therapeutic approaches towards cancer »
"NCI National Cancer Institute"
View feeds by the White House Task Force Report Release »
"CBS News"
View Joe Biden's speech: 50% of cancers can be eliminated »
