The Swedish American Life Science Summit 2013 Went Global in the Beautiful City of Stockholm, August 21-23!

Dear SALSS Family, I am delighted to be able to report to you that we managed to live up to our ambitious objective i.e., to make this year's SALSS, once again, best ever, something so many of you have been kind to tell us...! Biggest thank you to all of you for your brilliant participation in the many aspects of our summit and for exciting follow-up business collaborations. Our 10 year jubilee summit next year is tentatively scheduled for august 20-22, 2014, and we promise to make it special!! Meanwhile, enjoy great photos from your days in Stockholm, stay in touch and of course, let us know if we can help you with contacts, presentations or articles and, as you are now all fluent in Swedish - Hej, tack & skål! Barbro and the SALSS team

Barbro C. Ehnbom
Chairman & Founder,
Swedish-American Life Science Summit
In order to facilitate deeper, more meaningful and personal interactions, we deliberately keep the event small and as such would like you to secure your place at your earliest. Please contact Project Manager Veronica Råberg-Schrello at
"The challenges of global aging, regenerative medicine and business opportunities in Brazil were on the agenda as the ninth edition of SALSS took place in the Swedish capital."
View article about SALSS in Nordic Life Science part I »
View article about SALSS in Nordic Life Science part II »
"Regenerative Medicine, Global Aging Were Hot Topics At Life Science Conference in Stockholm"
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"Globalt åldrande på agendan för internationellt toppmöte"
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View article about SALSS in Medtech Magazine part II »
"Litet bolag med stor pipeline"
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"Regenerativ medicin på årets Swedish-American Life Science Summit"
View article about SALSS in Svenska Nyhetsbrev »
"Barbro Ehnbom: “SALSS genomslag större än vi kunde tänka oss”
View article about SALSS in Svenska Nyhetsbrev »
"Globalt åldrande och förbättrad hälsa i fokus på årets SALSS möte”
View article about SALSS in Medtech Magazine »
"Toppträff i forskarfronten"
View article about SALSS in Life Science Sweden »
"Addressing aging at SALSS"
View article about SALSS in Nordic Life Science News »
"Doing business in Brazil "
View article about SALSS in Nordic Life Science News »
"Tre life scienceprofiler bland världens bästa svenskar"
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"Inflytelserikt Life Science-möte i Stockholm"
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"9th Annual Swedish-American Life Science Summit (SALSS) to Focus on Global Aging and Enhanced Health From August 21st to 23rd in Stockholm"
View article in Yahoo Finance»
Impressions from SALSS 2013
Dear Barbro & Veronica,
I am writing to thank you and the staff responsible for the organization of 2013 Swedish American Life Sciences Summit. In addition to our agenda of cooperation with the Swedish Medical Products Agency, the Summit was a very important and pleasant opportunity to present what is going on in terms of ANVISA´s policies on drugs and medical devices in Brazil.
Jaime César de Moura Oliveira
Director, ANVISA
Kära Barbro,
Det har varit underbara och intensiva dagar med SALSS. Fredagens musikupplevelse var härlig! Tack för att du bjöd in mig. Det blev en härlig avrundning av ett par dagar som har varit helt utanför det vanliga! Stort TACK för ett fantastiskt fint program.
Nils Bohlin
Partner, Global practice leader, Arthur D. Little
Barbro och Veronica,
Ni har gjort ett fantastiskt imponerande jobb! Gratulerar!!
Johanna Adami
Director of Health Division, VINNOVA
Kära Barbro och alla vänner på SALSS!
Stort och varmt tack för en mycket god och trevlig lunch på IVA!
Ni gör det där bra!
Anna C Belfrage
Senior Advisor, Kreab Gavin Anderson
Dear Barbro,
You and you talented group were and are spectacular and made this meeting a special and meaningful event, Bravo!
Richard Serbin
President & CEO, Seaweed Biotechnology
Dear Barbro,
Congratulations on a spectacular SALSS meeting. The presentations were top rate and there was a real feeling if openness and community that is not always present. I am very glad Karin introduced us and thank you for the invitation. You have created a wonderful community and I am delighted to join the very large Barbro fan club who are both inspired and in awe of your brilliance, your accomplishments and your charm and elegance!! Your staff is superb and it was a pleasure to have some time to talk with Veronica who is just wonderful. And, thank you again for introducing me to Stockholm which we loved. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.
Susan L Solomon
CEO, The New York Stem Cell Foundation
Dear Barbro and Veronica,
Many thanks for an extremely interesting and well executed SALSS conference.
Gudmundur Fertram Sigurjonsson
CEO, Kerecis
Dear Barbro,
Thanks for a great week and a great concert!
Ed Bosarge
CEO, Capital Technologies
Dear Barbro,
Thank you again for the wonderful SALSS. It is such a special event - informative, convivial and personal. As always, your BBB's were handpicked to fulfill your vision and did so magnificently.
The Brahms event capped it off perfectly. Bravo to your son and his quintet! World class all around.
Robert L Pakter
CEO, PillJogger
Dear Barbro,
First of all, thank you so much for your hospitality, attention and care during my stay in Sweden last week. It was a great pleasure meeting you and your SALSS organization team. I trust that you had a nice weekend in the beautiful Stockholm summer.I had an unique experience in attending the SALSS meeting where I had the opportunity to meet several interesting and brilliant people. The meeting was so good and very well organized. Congratulations!!!
Antonio Ponce
VP, Elekta Latin America
Stort tack för att jag fick förmånen att deltaga förra veckan. Det var ett nöje att få göra en presentation utav Nycomed i fredags och jag uppskattade mycket interaktionerna med de andra deltagarna. Båda jag och Åsa hade en fantastisk trevlig kväll på torsdagen och hoppas vi får möjlighet att vara med även i framtiden. Än engång hjärtligt tack.
Håkan Björklund
Chairman, Lundbeck
Bästa Barbro,
Stort tack för enastående SALSS dagar. Bill och jag knöt som vanligt viktiga kontakter och årets ämnen var ju som skräddarsydda för ACCESS. Utöver det rent affärsmässiga, var jag väldigt imponerad av den höga kvaliteten på både underhållning och mat. Stort tack till Dig och hela SALSS-teamet. På snart återseende.
Stéphanie Treschow
Country Manager, ACCESS Health International Sweden
Barbro, Veronica and Jonas,
We really enjoyed SALSS 2013 in beautiful Stockholm!
Thank you for making the conference a tremendous success – it is so very hard to get the program right from a content as well as entertainment perspective but you excelled on all fronts.
We were struck by the extreme professionalism and dedication by you and your colleagues, as well as the enthusiasm you managed to instill throughout. Barbro, a special thanks to you for managing to create yet another miracle, and for being an inspiration to leaders and students across generations. Looking forward to next year!
Karin Hehenberger
EVP, Coronado Biosciences
Kära Barbro,
Tack för några fantastiska dagar i Stockholm. SALSS var ett av de bästa mötena jag har deltagit i på många år, det gäller allt från tema på seminarierna och presentationerna till arrangemangen runt omkring. Till detta kom alla fantastiska deltagare som Du hade lyckats att fånga för några dagar. Om jag förstod det rätt, hade de flesta deltagit om inte alla nio gångerna men näst intill. Ett stort tack till dig och dina medarbetare för några mycket inspirerande dagar!
Kerstin Jakobsson
Vice VD marknad- och affärsutveckling, Medicon Village
Dear Barbro and Veronica,
Thanks for organizing such an outstanding summit which I greatly enjoyed.
The meeting format, venues, scientific and business sessions and not the least the amazing social program and networking opportunities- all was top notch and far beyond expectations. Again, thanks and best wishes for next year's summit!
Karl L Mettinger
President and CEO, Cellastra