Now in its ninth year, SALSS has become more global than ever. The 2013 Summit will focus on Regenerative Medicine and Global Aging- New Frontiers for Enhanced Health and Quality of Life. Other themes are Brazil - A growing Life Science Market and Academic Research Leading to Biotech Entreprenurship.
All of this will be addressed at our Summit in August, which will no doubt raise the bar even further for the SALSS ambition to excel! And, as part of our SALSS family, you already know that this ambition also includes a good time together in the beautiful city of Stockholm. See you there!

Barbro C. Ehnbom
Chairman & Founder,
Swedish-American Life Science Summit
In order to facilitate deeper, more meaningful and personal interactions, we deliberately keep the event small and as such would like you to secure your place at your earliest. Please contact Project Manager Veronica Rådberg-Schello at veronica@salss.com
Impressions from SALSS 2012
Barbro and Sana,
I'm sure you are getting lots of emails praising your 2012 SALSS and I just wanted to add mine to the chorus. I think it was superbly well planned and executed and I was happy to be a small part of it. The boat trip was real fun (and the weather cooperated) and the Friday morning session I was involved in seemed to go very well. You had a great audience, and I'm sure they all appreciated being a part of it. Thanks for including me and congratulations on a superb event!
Steven G. Burrill
CEO Burrill & Company
Dear Ms. Barbro,
It was a wonderful Summit last week in Stockholm! Many thanks again for inviting me. I really got to know lots of new friends. And I did find some opportunities between parties. Hope we have the opportunity to host you and Sana in Shanghai, or meet together in the US soon.
Zhiping Cui
SVP & Head of International Investment
Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group
Dear Barbro and Sana,
To say that I enjoyed every second of my association with SALSS would be an understatement. To say "Thank You" somehow seems totally inadequate. SALSS will truly be etched in my memory for all time to come. As I also organize a major conference every year I came prepared to note down the deficiencies, which are part and parcel of every meeting, so that I could hopefully avoid them. Try as I might I could not document any. I am therefore disappointed! I do hope you will consider having a satellite meeting of SALSS in India, so that many, many more will benefit. Considering the leadership it was not surprising that your team was equally outstanding
Professor K. Ganapathy
Apollo Telemedicine Networking Foundation
Dear Barbro,
I want to tell you how much I appreciate your inviting me to SALSS. You do magnificent work. I have attended many conferences and been an organizer of many of them and you do the best I have ever seen. The topic is spot on and how you treated me and the other guests was remarkable. You including me in the dinners and the events was fabulous. I was thrilled to be so honored. Hope to see you soon.
Dr. Florence Haseltine
Founder & NIH Emerita
Society for Women's Health Research
Kära Barbro och Team,
Vilken fantastisk succé! Ni gjorde alla ett otroligt jobb, och jag var sa imponerad av er professionella attityd och hur ni levererade över förväntningarna.Tack for att ni inkluderade mig, och for att ni fick mina gäster att hoppas på ytterligare ett år av SALSS!
Dr. Karin Hehenberger
EVP & CMO Coronado Biosciences
Dearest Barbro,
One additional big success on your record. The 2012 SALSS was one of the best meetings to date. You managed to assemble a very impressive list of participants and selected excellent topics. Finally, I want to declare you as the "Queen of SALSS"!
Dr. Yuval Binur
Managing Partner Orchestra Medical Partners
Dear Barbro,
I hope you are well and relaxed after the weekend break. I just wanted to thank you again for a great conference last week and say how much I appreciate all the hard work to make it such a splendid event.
David C. Levinger
CEO Aura Capital Partners
Thank you so much for putting together such an organized, effective and fun meeting. You and your team of BBBs were fantastic. We met so many people who we have shared interests with, and who we hope to develop relationships with in the future. We look forward to attending next year!
Douglas Giampapa
COO Life Science Institute™
Hej Barbro,
Tack för två fantastiskt inspirerande dagar under SALSS! Förutom mycket intressanta föredrag och diskussioner på agendan, så träffade jag även så många otroligt inspirerande människor som gav nya tankar och idéer. SALSS har blivit en riktig think tank för nya perspektiv! Hoppas du är minst lika nöjd!
Susanna Francke Rodau
Therapeutic Area Manager Pfizer Germany
Tack för inbjudan till SALSS 2012 och mycket roligt att vara med på mottagningen i onsdags och träffa många bekanta och nya ansikten. Det är som vanligt en imponerande samling människor som du lyckas få till Stockholm genom att erbjuda ännu ett fantastiskt SALSS. Det är lätt att förbise det hårda arbete som ligger bakom det galanta arrangemanget. Hoppas att du är nöjd med årets upplaga och att det leder till många ringar på vattnet. Soliga hälsningar
Lars Östling
Senior Adviser International Department Ministry of Finance
Hej Barbro och Sana,
Gratulerar och tackar för ett fantastiskt SALSS 2012, nog den allra bästa konferens jag någonsin deltagit i, och det är ganska många nu!
Björn Segerblom
Overseas Representative Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation
Congratulations Barbro ....you did an outstanding job and have created a special kind of gathering..like no other ....based on your charm competence and motivating powers ...and I am pleased that you are getting the recognition you so rightly deserve!
Alen York
CEO AVRA MIRO Design Center GmbH
Dear Barbro,
Mere words cannot begin to adequately express the gratitude I have for being included in the stirring , inspiring and riveting events orchestrated by you in Stockholm last week. I recognize now, in retrospect, that I was invited to participate in an annual celebration of "Life and Sciences" (Life Sciences), an eighth year anniversary party, for the health, welfare, happiness and edification of your extraordinary extended family. Laughter and learning were boon companions throughout, an Enlightenment Spirit which permeated both lecture halls and dining tables, being embodied by Barbro's ,"Best and Brightest," Their admiration and love for you is palpable, and their beauty, intellectual capacity and elegant generosity, reflected, like shards of a mirror, qualities manifest in you.
Timothy Moynahan Attorney
The Moynahan Law Firm
Hej Barbro,
Stort tack för ditt fantastiska arrangemang Swedish-American Life Science Summit 2012!
Jag ser med glädje fram emot nästa års event.
Ylva Williams
CEO Stockholm Science City Foundation
Bästa Barbro,
Oändligt stort tack för de fantastiska SALSS-dagarna. Bill var eld och lågor över vad han tyckte var det bästa SALSS-året. Vi båda knöt ovärderliga nya kontakter under de mest välordnade omständigheterna. Många visade stort intresse för ACCESS Sweden vilket var synnerligen glädjande. Vi tackar också för möjligheten att ställa ut som Rising Stars vilket resulterade i en hel drös med visitkort. Vidare var Sana verkligen en klippa och bemötte mig med en fantastisk allt-är-möjligt attityd vid varje förfrågan. Bästa hälsningar och med förhoppning om snart återseende,
Stéphanie Treschow
Country Manager Access Health International
Hello Barbro,
As I prepare to board my flight home I think back on the splendid SALSS conference and all the new friends I've made, new knowledge I've gained and business opportunities opened. Thanks to you for being such a gracious host and excellent organizer. Kudos as well to Lena and all your staff, particularly the BBBs who I'm quite certain have fabulous careers in front of them. Kind regards. Till next year...
Robert L. Pakter
Founder & CEO PillJogger
Barbro och Sana,
Stort tack för ett par fantastiska dagar med SALSS i förra veckan. Vilket toppmöte!!
Jag upplevde det ännu en gång att folk var som lyriska. Programmet, talarna, gästerna, sponsorerna, besökarna, artisterna -WOW!! Bra jobbat ännu en gång!! Stor kram till er båda.
Ulrika Berglund
Editor-in-Chief MedTech Magazine
Hej Sana och Barbro,
Tack för ett mycket givande och väl arrangerat möte. Bästa hälsningar.
Per Sköld
Vice President, Corporate Finance Large Corporations & Institutions Swedbank AB